Thursday, June 28, 2012

Emergency General Meeting - 5 July

This morning’s Flood was a disaster for businesses and households in the town.  I know every business owner and householder affected has been working non-stop since it hit to deal with the aftermath and those who have been more fortunate than others have been helping their neighbours.  The great community spirit of Clonakilty is our greatest asset at a time like this.

The Chamber e-mail account has been receiving regular offers of help which we have been passing on.  While everyone is busy with the clean up today, we have decided it would be wise to call an Emergency General Meeting of the Chamber in one week’s time on Thursday, 5th July 2012 in the Chamber offices in Harte’s Courtyard at 6pm, to review the situation and decide on action to support recovery.

This disaster hits at the start of the peak season.  We have to salvage the coming season and the best thing that Clonakilty can do is send out a message that it is open for business.

On that point the official launch of Jungle City has been scheduled for tomorrow for some time and is to be launched by the Minister Tourism who is due to be in Clonakilty specially for that event.

I know that the Jungle City organisers were very sensitive to the plight of business owners today and have questioned whether the launch should be postponed in light of events.  However, as a Chamber we strongly urged them to press ahead with the launch and to use this great event to send a very strong message that Clonakilty is open for business.

Clonakilty was in the news today because of a flood disaster.  It will be in the news from tomorrow because of Jungle City.  What better way to tell the world that we are down but not out and what we need to rebuild our businesses are visitors back in our town.

Finally, on top of the numerous messages of support today, we received a very kind suggestion from the Southern Star that they would run an ad for Clonakilty Chamber members promoting those individual businesses also announcing that Clonakilty is open for business despite what has happened.  This could run next week or whenever members feel it would be to maximum advantage.  Any members having an interest in being included in this should contact Mick directly at the Chamber e-mail address.

All of our thoughts are with everyone affected by this disaster today.  If anyone needs help, just ask.  This is when we need to be here for each other.

Kind regards,

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Today FM - URGENT!

Thanks to all that have voted so far – We are only 30 votes behind Kerry and voting closes tomorrow night (Thursday) at midnight. 

So  now its time to get your mothers, fathers, sons, daughters etc  …..I think you get me drift….

VOTE NOW  and have the Ray Foley OB from West Cork.

To vote for West Cork simply follow this link 

David Henry
General Manager

Quality Hotel & Leisure Club,
Clonakilty, Co. Cork

Tel. +353 23 8836400,

Waterfront Festival Launch

On behalf of the Clonakilty Waterfront Festival I would like to ask you all to join us this Sunday July 1st to officially launch our 2012 event.

There will be music and food in Scannells from 4.30pm and a chance for us to let you know what treats we have in store for you this year!

Feel free to bring friends and family.

I hope to see you there.

Kind regards
Eithne Harte
Clonakilty Waterfront Committee


Your invitation to welcome Minister Leo Varadkar

The clock is ticking and soon the Jungle animals will be brightening up Clonakilty!

To mark the launch of Jungle City the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Transport, Leo Varadkar will be visiting Clonakilty this Friday 29th at 12noon. The minister has been invited to unveil one of the Jungle City elephant sculptures that was hand painted by the children of Clonakilty. 

This event will take place in Spiller's Lane and as a member of Clonakilty Chamber of Commerce - a key supporter of this venture - we would love to see you there.

We hope you can join us.

Our best wishes,

Mary and Derek

Mary Powys
Project Manager
Jungle City Clonakilty
+353 87 257 9869

Monday, June 25, 2012

Lion's Club BBQ

Great night assured on Friday next (29th) at The Clonakilty Lion's Club BBQ at The Emmet Hotel at 7.30. 

Tickets only €15 and remember All proceeds go to charity (local). See you there for Craic, Ceoil & Bia! 
Tickets available from The Emmet Hotel or from any Lion's Club member. Your support is very much appreciated.
Thank you for choosing The Emmet Hotel,

Pub Talent Final Search

Can anyone help tracing this bit of Clonakilty History. I wondered if it is possible to find out who video taped the The Pub Talent Final held in Clonakilty Industrial hall around 1989 between, Con and Maura’s Bar and I think it was either Fiddlers Green pub or The Court house Bar (up from the wheel pump)

I am trying to find anyone hope against hope that might have still got a copy. If not who would have run the event around that time that might still be around that would remember or there was also another final held a year or so later in the Strand Hotel as it was then which was also videoed.

Any Information you can find on any of the videos made around this time for the town Festival events or who might have been taken on to do the videoing of any of the Pub talent Finals around this time would be appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Theresa Kingston
teresa.kingston []

Vote West Cork in the Today FM Big Holiday

You may have heard that Today FM are taking all of their daytime shows (7am to 7pm) on holiday in Ireland in July. West Cork has the opportunity to host The RAY FOLEY Show and his team and show them the best of what this wonderful area has to offer. All we need to do is to  get as many people to vote WEST CORK on the Today FM website.

It would be a great achievement if we can bring the show to West Cork and we would be delighted if you could help us. Simply follow the link below:

  1. Follow this link:
  2. Click on the image of RAY FOLEY
  3. Vote West Cork
Thanks so much in advance for your votes… please pass this on to your fellow WEST CORK FANS!!!
Regards and thanks

--  Ruth McCarthy

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Clonakilty Waterfront Festival

This year’s Clonakilty Waterfront Festival looks set to be the best yet!

The four-day event, now in its third year, has just launched a new festival look which is bright and beachy!  The festival’s new look has been exclusively launched on our Facebook and Twitter pages, with a brand new website to follow shortly.


The festival takes place on the August Bank Holiday weekend starting on Thursday through to Sunday. The “Flavours of West Cork” is returning on Thursday night with Jerry Fish and the Mudbug Club providing post food entertainment. Friday night sees The 4 of Us taking to the stage. 

Our festival sounds event has changed to Saturday night with international superstars Scouting for Girls heading the bill and we see the return of the full moon party, this year on Sunday night with world renown DJ Taboo of Black Eyed Pea fame.  We also see the return of 2FM DJ Jenny Green and we introduce the Kanyu Tree and many more.

This line up is sure to top last year despite some of the hottest names in
music such as Alabama 3, Felix da Housecat and Royseven and FRED, thrilling the thousands of music revelers over the weekend.

If you would like to get involved in the festival in some way or have any
questions or suggestions, or for exclusive access to announcements and updates, visit our social media pages, or email

Eithne Harte

Monday, June 18, 2012

June Update

I thought I would drop you a brief line to update you on some things that have been happening in the Chamber.

Yesterday afternoon I had the pleasure of attending the launch of Jungle City Clon.  It was the first time I had seen the brightly painted animals first hand and it was fantastic.  They include some exceptional works of art that have been decorated by local artists.  I think they are going to make a huge impact for the town when they go into place at the start of July.

They will certainly brighten up our lives, but I am convinced they are also going to give a boost to visitor numbers for the coming season.  Kids are gonna love these things; they are going to create a perfect storm of pester power that’s going to bring a lot of families down the N71 this summer.

Of course, we need to recognize Sustainable Clonakilty as the lead partner in this effort.  Sustainable Clonakilty is also a member of our Chamber and they had an essential and valuable role in making Jungle City happen.  Thanks to everyone in Sustainable Clonakilty who helped in getting Jungle City over the line, it wouldn’t have happened without you. One of the main objectives of Jungle City Clonakilty is to raise the profile of Sustainable Clonakilty and bring an awareness of the work that they are doing to a much wider audience. 

I would like to pay particular tribute as well to Mary Powys and Derek Dillon for their outstanding vision and hard work in driving this forward.

Jungle City comes hot on the heels of Clon’trepeneur, which was a fantastic event on Thursday, 24th May.  If you weren’t able to make the final, it was a fantastic evening’s entertainment which showcased four excellent businesses and produced an outstanding winner in OceanaBoost. 

You are no doubt aware that Barry Holland, Declan Moore and David Ryan (who are the team behind OceanaBoost) are 17 year old fifth year students at Clonakilty Community College.  I just can’t get over this fact.  These guys have an exceptionally bright future and I am really looking forward to hearing how they get on in utilising the prize to develop their business.

I would like to thank Colette Twomey, Diarmuid O’Sullivan, Eugene Scally and Bill Liao for being our judges on the night and George Hook for acting as MC.  George very kindly offered each finalist a slot on his Newstalk show to promote their business which was an unexpected bonus.  

I would also like to pay particular tribute to the organising committee of Mairead O’Gorman, Trevor Kingston, Michael Crowley, J.J. Walsh, Catherine Beamish, Noreen Quinn, Adrian White and Mick Hanly who put in an extraordinary amount of work in coming up with the concept for this event and then making it happen.

Clon’trepeneur is an excellent example of a group of Chamber members taking the initiative themselves, delivering on an idea and in the process producing something that will promote business and inspire others to do likewise.  I would encourage other Chamber members to follow this example, if you have an idea and would like to develop a project, we would be delighted to support you.

Over the last number of months Geraldine Cullinane and Pamela Sheehan have doing some very valuable research on Merchant Services (card payment facilities) for Chamber members.  Geraldine and Pam presented their initial findings at our meeting on Monday last and initial indications are that there is potential for major savings.  

This is a work in progress and I know Geraldine and Pam are waiting to hear from a number of other providers before finalising their findings and recommendations.  I would encourage you to pay close attention to those e-mails and attend the next meeting where this is to be discussed.  This is just one of many areas with potential for savings.

Jungle City is something that will benefit Clon as a community and will bring business.  Clon’trepeneur is something that developed potential for new businesses, encouraged other entrepreneurs and provided a great night’s entertainment.  And the Merchant Services project is going to mean hard cash saved in your business as a result of your membership of Clonakilty Chamber of Commerce.

So there you go: three great reasons to be a member of Clonakilty Chamber of Commerce.  Now if only we could do something about the weather…
--  Florence McCarthy

Friday, June 15, 2012

Clon - Best Shops in Ireland?

Michael McCarthy wrote Clon into the final 10 towns in the recent Irish Times online competition.  Now it is the turn of the shops. 

Perhaps there is someone out there that can write one of our shops to the top. I’ve had a quick glance at the Facebook page and I see that there already a write up on Etain Hickey’s. Note the extract below and you can check it out at the following links:-


---  Mick Hanly

Times may be tough in retail, but it’s not time to close up shop.

Far from it. Ireland’s small independent shops are fighting to stay on the scene, with the help of you, the loyal customer. Here at the Magazine, we love to shop, and we know you do too. From your friendly local grocer to your favourite boutique; from the bookshop that survives against the odds, the interiors shop selling beautiful wares to the old style drapery and haberdashery you could spend hours in; from the cobbler who mends your shoes to the emporium specialising in coffee, or hardware, or fishing gear – we want to hear about them, and let all our readers know.

Later in the summer we will gather together the best independent Irish-owned shops around the country in a special edition of the Magazine celebrating the cream of Irish retailers.

So whatever your reasons for loving your local shop, be it the atmosphere, the top-notch customer service, the value, the best Irish designs, quirky sales ideas, delicious treats, whether it caters for small budgets or big blow-outs, we want to hear about them.

Tell us about your favourite shop or shop-keepers by emailing or commenting on our Facebook page,

We want to hear from you.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Merchant Services Update

For the last number of months we have been working on a project with regards to the Merchant Services, your credit/debit terminal machines.  

We initially asked you to forward the rates you are currently on so that we could make like for like comparisons. 

We have now negotiated preferential rates with AIB for Clonakilty Chambers provided enough members come together as a group!

Please review the rates the providers have now offered to us:

We would ask you to please take a look at your Merchant Statement.  We need you to make the necessary comparisons to understand if you could possibly make substantial savings within your business with these new rates.

If you believe these rates are substantially better than you are currently being offered then please email Mick at the chamber email address to confirm this.  If you believe you are presently offered better rates, then please simply just email to say “I am ok”.  

Finally, we have also been investigating the cost of apps with regard to credit card payments.  If you have a friend overseas who runs their own business and who currently offers credit card facilities using apps you might ask them if we could speak to them with regards this process.  This is an alternative to the typical providers we have in Ireland but we believe it is worth investigating also. 

There has been a lot of time and effort involved with this project so your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

---  Geraldine & Pam.

The West Cork Shared Story

Dear Chamber Member,

I recently attended a couple of Failte Ireland workshops aimed at preparing a ‘pitch’ for West Cork that could be used by anyone with an interest in promotion destination West Cork. The end result is linked here and above on the masthead. It can be used as is, or manipulated to be incorporated into individual marketing and promotion initiatives.  

The idea is to use the concept of the Shared Story:

“The most successful places have a simple Shared Story to tell.

It’s a commonly agreed way of describing the place, that everyone uses when they’re planning how to invest in improvements or new experiences for visitors, and when they’re talking to potential visitors.

It’s a short and simple story that makes it clear what is special and different about the place. But it mustn’t over promise. It must go with the grain of the place, and be authentic and true.

The Shared Story tries to capture the essence of the place by focusing on that place’s distinctive qualities: it isn’t a comprehensive list of everything that’s on offer.

If everyone uses the same broad ideas to develop the tourism product, and then ‘sings from the same song sheet’, the image of West Cork will be much stronger and more positive. And that will mean more impact, and more visitors. 

We’re not suggesting that everyone’s marketing has to be the same – far from it. Some people may want to use the Shared Story verbatim in their marketing. Others will draw on it for themes, ideas and inspiration.

We hope everyone will use components from it to bring out what is special and different about West Cork – both in what they offer to visitors, and in their marketing. This will help to build a stronger, clearer picture in a very competitive marketplace

Please do take the time to have a read (here) and consider it when updating promotional and marketing material / websites.

---  Mick Hanly

Friday, June 8, 2012

Networking at Emmet Hotel

We are pleased to announce that our next Networking event will take place next Thursday 14th  June at 9am in the Emmet Hotel, Emmet Square, Clonakilty.  

We would like to build  on the huge success of our past events and would encourage all members / sectors & potential new members to attend.

Networking Structure.

·         Coffee morning style, it is intend to have relaxed / informal theme.

·         The event should also act as a forum for members to engage in local business issues / updates. 

·         It is anticipated that the event should run for around 45 minutes in duration

·         Participants should Sign-in at the event. Provide contact details, including business name, email & website(if available). This info is to be used to build a data base / mail shot & assist in logging of potential new members.

·         Participants should make extra effort to introduce themselves to new people / businesses. Groupings of old acquaintances / friends should be discouraged until towards the end of the session; in the case of new acquaintances being made, please introduce them into existing groups of friends. 

·         Over the next few events it is hoped that a short presentation slot for news, offers or promotions will be organized for members. Alternatively should you wish to make an announcement at the up-coming event, please contact Stephen Smith at Edge Architecture Ltd – 087 9213512    

--  Stephen Smith

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tourism Meeting - Monday, 10 June

Meeting clip art
The next tourism meeting takes place next Monday 11th June in the Boardroom, Hartes Courtyard at 7pm.
On the agenda
  • Jungle City
  • Clonakilty 400/Gathering 2013
  • Michael Collins Festival
  • Christmas Lights
Any other items to be added, email me at

---  Alan Lowney

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

General Information Meeting on 12th June in The Quality Hotel at 8pm

Dear Chamber Member,

As mentioned at our AGM, we’re looking at holding a quarterly general information meeting for the Chamber members.  The idea is to give you, the members, the opportunity to come along and be informed and to inform yourself about Chamber matters.  Everyone might not have the opportunity to keep up to date with emails and people may like the chance to ask questions, make suggestions or give criticism/advice.

 The General Information Meeting is on 12th June in The Quality Hotel at 8pm.

The Chamber is you, the members and we’d like to keep you fully appraised of matters relating to you.


Mick Hanly,
Clonakilty Chamber of Commerce,
4 Harte’s Courtyard,
West Cork
Logo Colour Scaled.jpg
Tel:- 353-23-8858910
Mob:- 086-8747558
Twitter @clonchamber

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Chamber is appreciative for the superb photography by Dermot Sullivan whose coverage of the recent Clon'trepeneur event was instrumental in promoting the program success.  

You can find other examples of his work at the website linked here.